1. Sameness- This community is based on how everyone is same. Jonas started to feel like everything seems to look different once he was selected as a Receiver. The Community has been doing the same thing over and over for I don't know how long. Nothing will change because people will look at this as their Utopia.
2. Pain- Pain was never experienced by anyone in the community. When Jonas felt sunburn, he couldn't understand what that pain was. He never knew how that was possible to because how closed community this is.
3. Individuality- When Jonas was selected as a Receiver, he became an outsider to this community. he was ordered to train with a Giver and not with other friends that have a same job. In my mind Receiver is consider as not a part of community because how special that job is.
4. Perfection- Community is seems perfect for the people who live there, supplies are provided, health care, no war and life is already selected for you. But is it really perfect?
5. Control - It's nice when we have a leader to tell us and do things with us, but community controlled by the Elders. They don't have any freedom to do anything. How could this be a Utopia when our freedom to do anything is no longer in our hands?